Kategori: Computer things
Memilih Harddisk Komputer
Beberapa orang pernah bertanya kepadaku “Harddisk mana yang bagus?” Pertanyaan ini sederhana, tapi sering membuat pusing juga. Sepuluh tahun lalu hanya ada dua merk harddisk yang terkenal di Indonesia, itu pun salah satunya sudah dianggap lebih baik daripada merk satunya, persaingan ketat antara Seagate dan Maxtor (yang sekarang sudah dibeli Seagate). Kini Merk harddisk di…
Make Your Facebook Better
You like facebook but you don’t like the fact that you will overwhelmed by posts and updates from people and pages. When you show all post on your feed you know and understand this problem will happen. But you want more control on your feed, so you should install Better Facebook Plugin for Firefox, Opera,…
Never Miss A Post on Facebook
Do you know that you are not always see every post your friends or pages you like? Some post is not shown on your news feed. When some of your friend updated his/her status, you may not see his/her latest status, but your other friend can see it. That’s because Facebook controlled what Facebook think…
Print Without Reordering After Printing
Many people print documents in many pages and frustrated because they have to reordering pages that printed. Most of us finds the final result after printing using inkjet printer with the last page on top, so we have to flip the top page, then the next page and another. That’s a time consuming way! We…
iTunes Dark Background is Back!
Please click the picture if it is not viewable. Maybe it is timed out. Thank you I believe all iPod and Mac user use iTunes to play their music, or maybe some videos. I’ve been using iTunes from the iTunes 6 series and love to see the grid view for albums and movies. Saya percaya…
Broadcast Your Music All Around Your House
You have tons of music file in your computer and you want to listen it wherever you are in your house. If you want to do it conventionally, you’ll need a lot of cables and put it all over your house and you must buy more speakers. I’m sure you will not like that. But…
Firefox’s Proxy Switching
For you UC students, you must be frustrated because of the UC’s proxy because you have to change the proxy every time you use your wifi in UC and other places that use no proxy. Hei kalian mahasiswa UC, kalian pasti frustrasi gara-gara kalian harus mengganti-ngganti proxy setiap kali kalian menggunakan wifi di UC kemudian…
WordBook, A Wordpress to Facebook Plugin
Wordpress punya plugin buat post di Facebook langsung. Cuma perlu install beberapa plugin. Cari infonya di sini
Editing Styles in Word 2007 & 2008
Mengedit styles sangat berguna untuk pembuatan makalah yang panjang dan mengharuskan penulis untuk mengikuti format spacing, ukuran font, pembuatan bab dan sub-bab serta ukuran dan spacingnya. Dengan menggunakan styles, penulis makalah tidak perlu mengganti semua format satu per satu. Ini adalah tutorial untuk mengedit style yang sudah ada di MS Word 2007& 2008
Download Video Without YoutubeDownloader
Banyak yang sudah tahu cara untuk mendownload video dengan menggunakan YoutubeDownloader. Tetapi YoutubeDownloader cuma bisa dipakai khusus untuk mendownload video dari Youtube, sedangkan sumber video lain (seperti responsibilityproject.com yang isinya film-film yang mempunyai nilai-nilai sosial) atau game flash tidak bisa didownload.