Tag: Internet
Never Miss A Post on Facebook
Do you know that you are not always see every post your friends or pages you like? Some post is not shown on your news feed. When some of your friend updated his/her status, you may not see his/her latest status, but your other friend can see it. That’s because Facebook controlled what Facebook think…
Change Your Ordinary Cellphone to be As Useful As BlackBerry
Many people in Indonesia bought Blackberry for features that can be found on ordinary cellphone. Most people I know want Facebook Application, 24/7 online messenger, push mail, and unlimited internet quota. First of all, I want to compare normal Blackberry internet usage with internet charged per month. Common provider charge Rp. 5000 per day to…
Firefox’s Proxy Switching
For you UC students, you must be frustrated because of the UC’s proxy because you have to change the proxy every time you use your wifi in UC and other places that use no proxy. Hei kalian mahasiswa UC, kalian pasti frustrasi gara-gara kalian harus mengganti-ngganti proxy setiap kali kalian menggunakan wifi di UC kemudian…
Update Facebook Status Without Opening Facebook
Berbahagialah kalian mac user! Jangan sampai kalian kelewatan notifications Facebook. Cukup dengan terkoneksi dengan internet dan kamu akan terus mendapat informasi tentang perkembangan status teman-temanmu. Hi mac user, rejoice! Don’t ever miss facebook’s notification. Just connect to the internet and you’ll get informed with all of your facebook friend’s updates. Ada aplikasi bernama Facebook Notifications…
Save Banwidth: By Cache
Wuih, setelah lama nggak blogging. Pusing cari artikel, pusing ada banyak kerjaan, pusing nggak ada traffic (nah lo?) akhrinya blogging juga. Artikel terbaru, yaitu menyimpan banwidth internet yang seharusnya sangat berguna untuk pengguna Speedy Volume Based (bukan iklan loh). Untuk menghindari terbuangnya banwidth percuma untuk kembali ke previous page, perbesar cache web browsernya. Untuk contoh…